Trustee Services

What is a Trustee?

A trustee is a person or entity responsible for managing and administering a trust according to its terms and for the benefit of its beneficiaries. The trustee handles various responsibilities, including:

Asset Management

Overseeing and managing the assets held in the trust.

Financial Administration

Handling all financial matters, including paying bills and managing investments.


Ensuring that the trust operates in accordance with legal requirements and required filings.

Being a Trustee can be a difficult job for someone without the proper training and expertise. It can be essential to engage a professional for additional support.

Our Trustee Services

Acting as Trustee

Full Decision-Making Power: Estate Stewards can act as the trustee, taking on all responsibilities and making decisions regarding the management and administration of the trust.

Complete Management: We handle every aspect of the trust, from financial management to compliance, ensuring efficient and effective administration.

Agent to the Trustee

Support Role: Estate Stewards can act as an agent to the appointed trustee, managing the day-to-day tasks while the decision-making power remains with the named trustee.

Administrative Assistance: We provide support and carry out the work necessary for the trust’s administration, helping reduce the burden on the appointed trustee.

Types of Trusts We Can Manage

Testamentary Trust

Created by Will: Arises upon the death of the will maker and is specified in their will. It can address all or part of the estate.

Multiple Trusts: A will may contain more than one testamentary trust, each addressing different aspects of the estate.

Inter-Vivos Trust

Created During Lifetime: Can be implemented  to avoid probate and offer other planning benefits.

Legacy Tool: Useful for managing assets and planning for the future, including providing for beneficiaries of future generations.

Woman writing on documents

How Estate Stewards Can Help

Do you need a trust?

  • Based on your estate planning goals, we help you determine whether a testamentary or inter vivos trust should be part of your estate plan.

Trustee Services:

  • Estate Stewards can act as trustee or agent to your trustee, providing expertise and tailored support.

Contact Us

For expert assistance with trustee services, contact Estate Stewards. Our team is dedicated to managing your trust effectively and ensuring that your wishes are carried out.